Restoring our community by making disciples
Our Core Values

God Does the Heavy Lifting
God calls us to be faithful and to trust Him to do the rest. Knowing that the results are in His hands keeps us humble and focused on glorifying Him whenever we see fruit.

Gospel-Centered Living
We proclaim the gospel as the answer for both those who trust and follow Jesus and those who don’t. The gospel isn’t the ABCs of the Christian life; it’s the A-Z of the Christian life.

Authentic Brokenness
It is impossible for us to really grow spiritually without being transparent and vulnerable. We strive to be a safe place where it is okay to not be okay.

Relational Ministry
We believe that the power of the gospel flows through relationships.
This makes sense when you realize that God created us for a relationship with Him and with others.
This makes sense when you realize that God created us for a relationship with Him and with others.

Strategic Ministry
God has given each of us only one life to live for His glory. We want to make the best use of the short time that He has given us on this earth.
What We Believe
In the essentials, we have unity.
In the non-essentials , we have liberty.
In all our beliefs, we show love.
In the non-essentials , we have liberty.
In all our beliefs, we show love.